Ken Hu founder of Erudite Tutoring


I'mĀ Ken Hu

BASc of Materials Engineering, UBC.
MASc of Chemical Engineering, UBC.
Over fifteen years of tutoring math and science experience.
Helped over 500 students enter the top universities in the USA, Canada and China, including Harvard, Columbia University, NYU, UC Berkeley, University of Toronto, UBC, Tsinghua University and Hongkong University.

Portfolio/ Certifications

Material engineering

Material Engineering


Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering


Math & Science

Math & ScienceĀ 

My Story

After graduating with my master's in chemical engineering, I found my true passion was education. Helping students get into the top universities that boost their probability of success brings me great joy and fulfillment.

I have beenĀ tutoring North American high school and university students since my junior year, in 2011.Ā 


"Working with Riley has changed my life. Iā€™m only 2 months away from debt-free!"

- Martin Marino

"Last year, I was 49 with no retirement savings. Thanks to Riley, Iā€™m now financially on track."

- Bill Bayaud

"From buried in debt to living the life of my dreams, Thank you, Riley!"

- Susan Smith

Why I Do It

Financial literacy is not a term I ever heard growing up. While my parents did their best to provide for our family, they lived paycheck to paycheck most of their lives. Seeing my family struggle inspired me to aim higher. But despite my best efforts, I still found myself drowning in debt.

Once I was debt-free, I realized that the methods I used could help others like me who wanted the same but didn’t grow up with the framework to make it happen. So I made it my mission to help as many people as possible create healthy financial habits and a better life for themselves and their families.

Why I DO it

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